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【HANLIN】9X9(雙耳無線 長待機藍芽耳機)推薦


2018-04-26 03:00

By Ann Maxon / Staff reporterAs of press time last night, 32 police officers and 11 journalists had been injured, and 63 protesters arrested yesterday during a demonstration in Taipei against planned pension reform for veterans.Retired military personnel at a public hearing at the Legislative Yuan in the morning called on the government to delay its plan to cut their pensions, as veteran groups staged a series of protests outside the legislature.The Executive Yuan earlier this month unveiled draft amendments to the Act of Military Service for Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the Armed Forces (陸海空軍軍官士官服役條例), which would set the minimum monthly pension at NT$38,990 and gradually phase out an 18 percent preferential interest rate on the savings of retirees who had enlisted before 1995.At the hearing yesterday morning, Luo Jui-ta (羅睿達), chief executive of the 800 Heroes veterans’ group, urged the government to delay reviewing the bill, because “it could be unconstitutional.”The government should apply for a constitutional interpretation, because the bill might have violated the principle of legitimate expectation, he said.“President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said no one would be ‘unable to live’ because of the reform, but how many of the nation’s veterans have become handicapped or sacrificed their marriage because of their service to the nation,” he said.He also accused the government of using the pension fund’s impending bankruptcy as a reason for cutting military pensions.“If the Ministry of National Defense allocates money toward the fund every year according to the law and properly manages the fund, the system would never go bankrupt,” he said.“We just want justice and dignity for those who have fought for the nation,” Luo said, adding that the government should have communicated with them on the issue before drafting the bill.Previous reforms did not cause the same level of outrage, because they were not retroactive, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Ma Wen-chun (馬文君) said.To avoid disputes, “the government should apply the Labor Standards Act (勞基法) to civil servants, public-school teachers and military personnel, so that people of different occupations and generations are treated based on the same standards,” she said.Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Wang Ding-yu (王定宇) at 1pm announced the end of the hearing, despite protests from members of the 800 Heroes and KMT legislators, who had expected a second round of discussions.Members of the 800 Heroes criticized the DPP for being “arrogant and rude,” and vowed to never stop protesting until they receive a proper answer from the ruling party.Outside the legislature, police had erected barbed wire and barricades around the Legislative Yuan and the Executive Yuan, and mobilized more than 1,200 officers to prevent protesters from breaking into the compounds.At 3pm, protesters began clashing with police outside the Legislative Yuan compound, throwing wood planks, smoke grenades and PET bottles at them. Some attacked journalists and tried to take their cameras away.At about 4pm, several protesters broke into the Legislative Yuan compound and were immediately arrested.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES





民進黨議員簡舒培詢問,柯文哲選前自稱是墨綠,現在是否還是墨綠?柯文哲回答,為何整個台灣都要陷在藍綠及統獨,這是國家的悲哀,他已跳脫顏色,且他來自 228 家庭,有他自己的想法,但不用將他的想法強加在別人身上,「已所不欲,勿施於人。」

美國第一夫人梅蘭妮亞和法國第一夫人碧姬.馬克宏24日在歡迎儀式都以白色造型現身,各展時尚品味,而川普和馬克宏則上演兄弟情。 分享 facebook 誰是美國總統川普最「麻吉」的外國元首?答案或許是法國總統馬克宏。川普今天盛讚他「完美」,兩人頻有肢體互動展「兄弟情」,兩國第一夫人也是國是訪問「嬌」點。不知是否事前有協調,美國第一夫人梅蘭妮亞(Melania Trump)和法國第一夫人碧姬.馬克宏(Brigitte Macron)在上午的歡迎儀式都以白色造型現身,各展時尚品味,碧姬以米白色連身裙裝外搭同款式的米白色外套,腳踩黑色高跟鞋亮相。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 在她抵達前,梅蘭妮亞的純白色裙式套裝、頭上戴著寬邊大白帽,和川普(Donald Trump)牽手現身白宮南草坪,吸引眾多媒體目光。兩個第一夫人的白色造型,為華府上午的多雲陰天帶來明亮感,不過,梅蘭妮亞頭頂的大白帽,遮蓋不少深邃的眼妝,難清楚看見她臉上表情,國是訪問歡迎儀式不常見的造型,也引起討論。紐約時報指出,「好人戴白帽、壞人戴黑帽」是西方社會中約定成俗的文化意涵,而梅蘭妮亞的白帽造型,有「令人敬佩、誠實」的寓意。不論這是否是梅蘭妮亞想表達的,可以肯定的是,頭頂大白帽在空間上創造的互動距離,讓川普想「公開秀恩愛」成考驗。當川普與馬克宏都結束歡迎儀式的演說後,川普想和梅蘭妮亞臉貼臉問候,第一時間卻顯得不知如何是好,直到梅蘭妮亞將頭後仰些、川普蹲低至帽緣下才成功。馬克宏的快速臨場反應則展現體貼,他親吻梅蘭妮亞手背、以法國社交文化中常見的方式,表達敬意,隨後也對站在梅蘭妮亞身旁的太太碧姬同禮問候。梅蘭妮亞的白帽造型,出現在上午的所有活動中,包括與碧姬同遊美術館、參與聯合記者會,在室內也都沒拿下,可能因考量脫帽無法呈現完美髮型的緣故。而一向不拘謹的川普則從言行上展現他對馬克宏的欣賞,牽手、勾肩搭背、臉貼臉問候,川普甚至還為馬克宏親手拍掉西裝上不明顯的頭皮屑,不忘說:「我們得讓他(馬克宏)完美無瑕,他可完美了。」川普在歡迎儀式演講完,就大方和馬克宏前後搖晃兩人緊牽的雙手。川普後來還拖著馬克宏的手,走向辦公室,他對與他有約30歲年齡差距的馬克宏欣賞之情,溢於言表,還大讚兩人有「特殊關係」、「我好喜歡他」,逗得馬克宏樂不可支。值得一提的是,馬克宏似乎很懂得如何順川普心意,且以不指責任何人的方式,表達自身意見。像是伊朗核協定,馬克宏不說廢除,而是順著川普心意談到升級強化一個「新協定」,也不忘展現外交禮儀向伊朗遞橄欖枝表示,這需要與伊朗合作。至於貿易規則,他先向川普指出,法國和美國沒有貿易失?的問題,而法國尊重也遵守世界貿易組織(WTO)規則,強調這是美國和許多國家共同創造的,能找到方法讓它變得更好。而全球面臨鋼鋁產能過剩,非歐洲造成,美國和盟友密切合作,能解決問題,他對法美未來及兩國關係有信心。馬克宏不斷強調法美有「自由」的共同價值與深厚歷史情誼,並訴求法國、歐洲與美國須並肩合作,才能對抗否定歷史及分化世界的侵略性國族主義,打造嶄新且強大多邊體系,能保護正面臨挑戰的多元與民主。(編輯:陳惠珍?

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